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101 年特種考試地方政府公務人員考試試題

(B)36 Vernon and I will play        tomorrow. Can I borrow your shorts?

(A)album (B)badminton (C)piano (D)record

(D)37 I couldn’t          his face because it was so dark.

(A)look out (B)put out (C)take out (D)make out

(B)38 Please do not smoke here. Those who          smoking, please leave this room.

(A)fail in (B)insist on (C)miss for (D)protect from

(D)39 You cannot see the doctor        you make an appointment in advance.

(A)if (B)in case (C)only (D)unless

(A)40 James:      

Jenny:Well, I don’t really like them. There’s too much violence.

James:I like them though.

(A)Do you like action movies?      

(B)Which do you prefer?

(C)Are you going to the pub tonight?

(D)Do you like Chinese food or Japanese food?

(B)41 Mary:Could I have your name?

Carlos:       .

(A)I don’t know     (B)Sure. My name is Carlos

(C)What is your name (D)I’m sorry

Pandas are in danger of dying out. One answer to this problem is obvious: the Chinese should give them more space and more bamboo. In recent years the Chinese, with considerable help from panda lovers worldwide, have tried to do that. They have set aside twelve reserves that have different varieties of bamboo; if one dies out, the pandas will not starve to death, as at least 138 did during a major bamboo famine in the mid 70s. Indeed, William Conway, director of the New York Zoo, gives the Chinese high marks. “They are spending more effort on pandas than the US is on grizzly bears, which are even rarer in the 48 US states other than Alaska,”he says. “They are an example to us.”

請依上文回答第 42 題至第 46 題。

(B)42 According to this passage, which of the following statements is true?

(A)Pandas do not need a lot of space.

(B)Pandas have not been given enough space and bamboo.

(C)People do not know how to save pandas.

(D)Pandas are in a happy situation.

(A)43 According to the passage , which of the following statements is true?

(A)Pandas can eat more than one kind of bamboo.

(B)Pandas only eat one kind of bamboo.

(C)Bamboo never dies out.

(D)All the twelve reserves grow the same kind of bamboo.

(B)44 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

(A)One hundred & thirty-eight kinds of bamboo died in the famine in the mid 70s.

(B)One hundred & thirty-eight pandas died in the famine in the mid 70s.

(C)One hundred & thirty-eight panda lovers died in the famine in the mid 70s.

(D)No one did anything to help the pandas in the mid 70s.

(D)45 According to William Conway’s statement, which of the following is true?

(A)The Americans are better than the Chinese in helping endangered animals.

(B)William Conway blames the Chinese.

(C)William Conway praises the American effort.

(D)The Chinese are better than the Americans in helping endangered animals.

(D)46 According to the passage, which one of the following statements is NOT true?

(A)Grizzly bears are not rare in Alaska.

(B)There are more pandas in China than there are grizzly bears in the US.

(C)Grizzly bears are rare in Michigan.

(D)Compared with the grizzly bears in the United States, pandas are in worse situation.

The Faculty and Staff at Chicago Middle School invite you to attend our annual Honors Dinner on Thursday,  May 20, 2006, in the school cafeteria.

A meal will be served at 7:00 p.m. The cost of the meal is $4.50 per person.

Please respond with the number of family members attending by May 5th.

We look forward to seeing you there.

請依上文回答第 47 題至第 50 題。

(D)47 Who is hosting the party?

(A)The students (B)The football team (C)The parents (D)The teachers

(D)48 How much will each person pay for the meal?

(A)$7.00 (B)$5.00 (C)It is free. (D)$4.50

(B)49 Why do they need a response to the invitation by May 5th?

(A)They need to know how many people to invite.

(B)They need to know how much food to prepare for the dinner.

(C)They need to know how many children to be honored.

(D)They need to know the total expense of the annual party.

(D)50 What time does the dinner begin?

(A)May 20 (B)Three hours (C)In the morning (D)At 7:00 p.m.










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102 年特種考試地方政府公務人員考試試題

Halloween was not Mary’s favorite holiday. Oh, sure, when she was a little kid, Mary liked dressing up in a   36   and going trick or treat. But now she was getting a little old for all that. In fact, the day after Halloween, Mary would   37   thirteen. She would   38   think she is just a little kid. Mary would never admit it, but she had one other big   39   for not liking Halloween. When your birthday falls on November 1, no one ever makes a big   40   out of it-because it is right after Halloween!

請依上文回答第 36 題至第 40 題

(A)36 (A)costume (B)harvest (C)clown (D)headline

(D)37 (A)move (B)change (C)shift (D)turn

(B)38 (A)any longer (B)no longer (C)rather than (D)more than

(C)39 (A)request (B)answer (C)reason (D)action

(C)40 (A)shake (B)mistake (C)deal (D)order

(A)41 Bill: Could you tell me where the taxi stand is?

The Clerk:       .

(A) Just follow that sign                    

(B) Just follow that schedule

(C) You can find it inside the duty-free shop

(D) You can find it in the cafeteria

(D)42 Ann: The new manager is going to        and move into the office next Monday.

Bill: I heard about it already.

(A) take in (B) take care (C) take off (D) take over

(D)43 Peter was not interested in geometry.       .

(A) So did I (B) Neither did I (C) So was I (D) Neither was I

(A)44 I feel so tired this evening. I’ve been working hard       .

(A) all day (B) every day (C) each day (D) day by day

(B)45 My sister has a lot of fun        her English with a pen pal in the U.S.

(A) of practice (B) practicing (C) to practice (D) of practicing

(B)46 Of the two dictionaries you recommended, this is the        one.

(A) good (B) better (C) best (D) goodly

(A)47 Unlike his cousins, who ate a lot at the party, he didn’t seem to have any        .

(A) appetite (B) hunger (C) manner (D) taste

(D)48 After knowing that she could not get her money back, Victoria        having lent the money to her sister.

(A) reserved (B) required (C) repeated (D) regretted

(C)49 I haven’t been feeling well        , Doctor Lin.

(A) afterwards (B) at last (C) recently (D) suddenly

(D)50 There is a house for        . I want to buy it.

(A) buy (B) order (C) pay (D) sale










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(D)36 The woman       you talked with on the phone is my cousin.

(A)which (B)what (C)whose (D)whom

(B)37 Thousands of people were       and many buildings were destroyed by Super Typhoon Bopha.

(A)reduced (B)injured (C)arranged (D)calculated

(B)38 This is the most       novel I’ve read for a long time. I spent the whole morning reading it.

(A)dizzy (B)exciting (C)negative (D)obedient

(A)39 At the wedding      , the bride and groom walked to different tables to toast their relatives and friends.

(A)banquet (B)horizon (C)charity (D)manner

(D)40 Chinese New Year celebrations usually last for fifteen days, allowing time for various       to be enjoyed.

(A)samples (B)members (C)demonstrations (D)entertainments

第 41 題至第 45 題為題組

My little brother is so irritating. All day long he says, “ Eddie, I wonder why people can talk but animals can’t.” Or, “ I wonder why the ocean looks blue.” Of course, I don’t know the answers, but I don’t let him know that. I just make up reasonable explanations, and he accepts them as if I’m the smartest person in the world. Before I answer one of his questions, I usually tell him that he’s pretty stupid and asks too many questions.

Well, yesterday we both got our report cards. I got B’s and C’s, and he got straight A’s. Under the “ Comments ” section on my report card, it said, “ Eddie would be getting better grades if he asked more questions.” Of course, on my brother’s report card, it said just the opposite.

To make things worse, my brother squawked all day about how I was so stupid for not asking questions! I just sighed and told him he was right─I wouldn’t make fun of him anymore for asking so many questions.

Yes, I learned a lesson from my little brother: Never be afraid to ask questions, and NEVER be afraid to wonder why.

(D)41 Which of the following statements is true about the article?

(A)The article is about how the author’s older brother loved to ask questions.

(B)The article is about how the author loved to ask questions.

(C)The article is about how the author learned a lesson from his older brother.

(D)The article is about how the author learned a lesson from his younger brother.

(A)42 Which of the following words is closest in meaning to “irritating” in paragraph one?

(A)annoying (B)curious (C)playful (D)impolite

(C)43 How did the author respond to his brother’s questions at first?

(A)The author ignored his brother’s questions.

(B)The author helped his brother find the correct answers to his questions.

(C)The author invented answers to his brother’s questions.

(D)The author tried to answer his brother’s questions but often failed.

(D)44 What does a report card do?

(A)It helps a student learn the English alphabets.

(B)It shows a student’s progress in learning the English alphabets.

(C)It helps a student review what the teacher has taught.

(D)It shows a student’s performance at school.

(C)45 Which of the following statements is closest in meaning to what the author learned from his brother?

(A)One should never laugh at one’s older brother.

(B)One should never laugh at one’s younger brother.

(C)One should never stop feeling curious about things in life.

(D)One should never stop working hard at school.

第 46 題至第 50 題為題組

Given that “ No pets ” signs have become ubiquitous at stores and restaurants in major cities nowadays, is it really impossible to take your pet shopping or dining? Not necessarily. One store chain that specializes in home décor merchandise has never   46   pets from entering in the company of their owners since its founding 15 years ago. Furthermore, four to five years ago, it took   47   step toward welcoming four-legged furry friends with open arms by providing pets-only shopping carts for pet owners to spend   48   time shopping with their pets.

When asked whether any  49   customers have opposed the service, Chen said that as of today, there have not been any complaints about the service, which is widely accepted by customers. Occasionally, the store finds that the service encourages   50   interaction among customers since pets are a great reason for starting up a conversation. Use of the pet cart service is high, and there are frequently no vacant carts during weekends and holidays.

(C)46 (A)ban (B)banning (C)banned (D)bans

(C)47 (A)other one (B)another (C)another (D)others

(A)48 (A)quality (B)quantity (C)queer (D)quarrel

(B)49 (A)consecutive (B)conservative (C)consequent (D)conscious

(D)50 (A)neutral (B)negative (C)detached (D)positive










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104 年特種考試地方政府公務人員考試試題

(B)36 The students were required to       their term papers by the deadline.

(A) subject (B) submit (C) subside (D) supply

(B)37 This is private estate. No       is allowed.

(A) postponing (B) trespassing (C) harvesting (D) depositing

(C)38 My parents will move back to the city in a year or      .

(A) else (B) about (C) so (D) ago

(B)39 Horses have keener sense of taste and smell than humans. They can sense smells humans cannot      .

(A) offend (B) detect (C) protect (D) regret

(C)40 Not so long ago, the nation was       as one of the most affluent in the continent.

(A) copied (B) tuned (C) ranked (D) fired

第 41 題至第 45 題為題組

Music is such an important part of most people’s lives, and the advent of the Internet and iTunes has really changed the way we interact with our music.   41   we are in the car, at the gym, or relaxing after a hard day of work, music can work magic. Today, it is not   42   to have thousands of songs on your music playlist.   43   , many people have so much music that it is literally out of control! Today’s digital players offer a wealth of ways to   44   and organize music, but if you are not careful, it can quickly become a nightmare. Ask yourself: How many duplicate songs do you have in your collection? How many songs are listed as “track unknown”? If this describes you, then you may be interested in a great new plug-in service called TuneUp that is coming to the   45   of millions of music lovers.

(B)41 (A) Though (B) Whether (C) Since (D) However

(D)42 (A) usual (B) legal (C) likely (D) uncommon

(C)43 (A) However (B) Although (C) In fact (D) In conclusion

(A)44 (A) store (B) earn (C) coach (D) assume

(C)45 (A) invention (B) celebration (C) rescue (D) profit

第 46 題至第 50 題為題組

Problem solver. Creative. Works well under pressure.

These are key personality traits employers will be seeking no matter what position they’re hiring for—and chances are, you resume probably already showcases them in some way. But these days, hiring managers from some firms aren’t content to take job seekers at their word—they want to see it to believe it.

And that’s why some companies have turned the interview process on its head. Instead of the traditional questions you might expect in an interview, they’re giving candidates problems to solve—problems which, at first glance, might seem totally random. Google, for example, has been known to ask, “How many people are using Facebook in San Francisco at 2:30 PM on a Friday?” Hewlett-Packard asks, “If Germans were the tallest people in the world, how would you prove it?”

No doubt, these are tough questions but there is no need to panic. Your interviewer isn’t necessarily looking for a right answer. He wants simply to determine how quickly you can think on your feet, how you’ll approach a difficult situation, and, most importantly, whether you can remain positive and proactive and make progress in the face of a challenge.

(D)46 What is the passage mainly about?

(A) Effective resume writing.      

(B) Comparison between Google and Hewlett-Packard.

(C) Rising popularity of Facebook.

(D) Challenges to today’s interviewees.

(D)47 According to the passage, which of the following is an essential characteristic of a potential employee in the eye

of the employer?

(A) Good command of English. (B) Attractive appearance.

(C) Great computer skills.   (D) Problem-solving ability.

(C)48 What does the pronoun them refer to?

(A) Chances. (B) Employers. (C) Traits. (D) Works.

(C)49 What would a proactive person most likely do?

(A) Panic when danger approaches.           

(B) Escape from work pressure.

(C) Take action and make changes in advance.

(D) Take hiring managers at their word.

(D)50 According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

(A) A candidate should highlight his/her strengths in the resume.

(B)“How many tennis balls can you fit into a limousine?” is a common interview question today.

(C) Nowadays company managers want their employees to be able to make quick decisions.

(D) Interviewers today always expect the interviewees to give the right answers to the questions they raise.










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105 年特種考試地方政府公務人員考試試題

(A)36 John ate and yawned with his mouth wide open. His          manners shocked everyone.

(A)vulgar (B)delicate (C)civil (D)decent

(C)37 Both coffee and naps can          mood individually; when combined, they are magical.

(A)devastate (B)decrease (C) improve (D)invest

(D)38 People are annoyed by advertisements that          on the YouTube all the time.

(A)start up (B)stand up (C)save up (D)show up

(D)39 I grew up near the ocean,          is probably why I love going to the beach!

(A)when (B)what (C)where (D)which

(C)40 Jeff went to Tainan last night. I          with him if he had told me a day before.

(A)should go (B)would go (C)would have gone (D)should be going

第 41 題至第 45 題為題組

With thirty e-devices, four hundred e-titles, and two thousand print items, Taoyuan International Airport became the world’s first e-book library in an airport. Titles are  41   in both English and Chinese, and the e-devices vary from iPads to e-readers with e-ink. The library is   42   by the duty-free shop at the airport. The   43   for the project comes from the Institute for Information Industry, a government agency. The total cost of the project was about US$102,000. Airport passengers are   44   to borrow the devices and read the e-books in the airport, but they cannot download any   45   for their own devices. With more than seventeen million passengers passing through the airport each year, this is likely the beginning of something much bigger.

(D)41 (A)added (B)limited (C)required (D) available

(C)42 (A)opened (B)checked (C)managed (D)published

(C)43 (A)basis (B)reason (C)funding (D)direction

(C)44 (A)trying (B)willing (C)allowed (D)prepared

(C)45 (A)medals (B)mistakes (C)materials (D)machines

第 46 題至第 50 題為題組

In 1945, leaders from 51 countries met in San Francisco, California, where the United Nations (UN) was organized. At that time, World War II had just ended. People hoped they could build a future of world peace through this new organization. Today almost every country in the world is a member of the UN. Each country has signed an agreement that says:

1. All members are equal.

2. All members promise to solve international problems in a peaceful way.

3. No member will use force against another member.

4. All members will help the UN in its actions.

5. The UN will not try to solve problems within countries except to enforce international peace.

Obviously, the United Nations has not been completely successful in its actions. There have been several wars since 1945. However, the organization has helped bring peace to some countries that were at war. Besides, it has helped people who left their countries because of wars. It has also helped bring independence to colonies.

The main UN organization is in New York City, but the UN has a “family” of other related organizations all over the world. These organizations try to provide a better life for everyone. One example is UNICEF, an organization that provides poor children with food, medical care, and many other services. Another example is the World Health Organization, which develops medical programs all over the world. There are thousands of UN workers in developing countries. They work as planners to increase production in farming and industry. They provide medical services, improve education programs, and spread scientific information. They develop programs that provide jobs and better

living conditions. They help countries control their population growth. The UN also holds large international conferences, where people meet to discuss important world issues. One conference was about the uses and ownership of oceans. Another was about women. There are also International Years for people to work together to improve

situations and solve problems.

(B)46 According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

(A)The UN has helped refugees who left their countries because of wars.

(B)The headquarters of the United Nations is now in San Francisco, California.

(C)All members of the UN promise to solve international problems in a peaceful way.

(D)UN workers in developing countries plan how to increase production in farming and industry.

(B)47 Why has the UN not been completely successful in its actions?

(A)Not all the members of the UN are equal.

(B)Several wars have occurred since 1945.

(C)There have been no solutions about poverty.

(D)The UN has solved problems within particular countries.

(D)48 Which service is NOT provided by UN?

(A)Improving education programs.     

(B)Spreading scientific information.

(C)Holding international conferences.

(D)Using force against other countries.

(B)49 What is the mission of the World Health Organization?

(A)Discussing the uses and ownership of oceans.

(B)Developing medical programs all over the world.

(C)Helping countries control their population growth.

(D)Providing poor children with food wherever they live.

(C)50 Which of the following word can best describe the status of “colonies” in the sentence “It has also helped bring independence to colonies”?

(A)Free. (B)Active. (C)Governed. (D)Autonomous.










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101 年特種考試地方政府公務人員考試試題

(A)36 The sun was so bright that I could         see anything.

(A)hardly (B)nearly (C)probably (D)only

(D)37 We all were         to leave for the party when the doorbell rang.

(A)delicious (B)easy (C)correct (D)ready

(B)38 When Mary called me at that time, I was           a shower. I did not hear the telephone ringing.

(A)doing (B)taking (C)making (D)playing

(D)39 For safety’s sake, you should check on your car           you go for a long-distance drive.

(A)since (B)while (C)after (D)before

(C)40 Cathy:       

Dennis: No. It’s very close.

(A)Is there a post office near here? (B)Is the post office open?

(C)Is the post office far from here? (D)Are we near the post office yet?

(B)41 John: Who is Nancy standing next to?

Bob: She is standing         .

(A)on a chair (B)next to May (C)behind a table (D)next to a chair

In the summer of 2007, a group of international students were attending college in England. They had a long period of time between semesters for travel, so they decided to hitchhike as far as they could in other European countries. In many places, they were successful. They put their thumbs out or pointed them backwards and smiled; friendly drivers stopped. As soon as the first traveler got a “yes” answer from a driver, he motioned with his hand or fingers for his friends to come—or he held both thumbs up in an “OK” sign or made a circle with the thumb and the

next finger of one hand. The young tourists saved money, saw a lot of the countryside, and had many interesting conversations and experiences.

However, the international students were not so lucky in Greece and Turkey. Most drivers ignored them; few drivers stopped to give them rides. Some drivers shouted terrible words at the travelers; others even got out of their trucks and wanted to start a fight. The students felt unwelcome, confused, and afraid. After they traveled back to where they were studying they learned that it were their hand gestures that had caused them trouble.

請依上文回答第 42 題至第 46 題

(A)42 According to the passage, why did the young travelers get rides successfully in many places in Europe?

(A)Drivers knew what the young travelers meant by their hand gestures.

(B)Drivers thought that the students were foreigners without local friends.

(C)The students were lucky enough to meet drivers who happened to be in a good mood.

(D)Drivers were curious about the students’ thumbs and stopped for inquiry.

(B)43 According to the passage, as soon as the driver stopped, what would the young traveler who put out his thumb do?

(A)He would get on the car immediately to continue the trip.

(B)He would signal his friends to take the car together.

(C)He would do some more tricks with his fingers.

(D)He would begin chatting with the driver.

(B)44 According to the passage, why were the international students unable to get rides easily in Greece and Turkey?

(A)Most of the drivers did not notice the young travelers.

(B)Their hand gestures were misunderstood.

(C)The students were foreigners and unwelcome in the two countries.

(D)Drivers in the two countries tended to be ill-tempered.

(B)45 In mentioning Greece and Turkey particularly, what does the writer intend to do?

(A)To impress the readers with the idea that the two countries are actually very terrible places

(B)To offer an example indicating the possible trouble the travelers may encounter in different cultures

(C)To entertain the readers with a very funny example from two unpopular countries in Europe

(D)To offer some biased opinions towards the two countries

(C)46 In terms of culture, what does the story mean?

(A)Travelers always encounter rude and unfriendly drivers.

(B)Travelers should “hitchhike” in their own country only.

(C)The same gestures can have very different meanings in different cultures.

(D)Hand gestures are rude because they are kinds of body language.

Many people like to take exercises to keep fit. Some go jogging and cycling while others go swimming and play sports. One more common way of exercising nowadays is walking at a faster speed. It’s now getting more and more popular as you can see people doing it in parks and on roads. It is easy to follow and cheap as well. What you need is comfortable clothing and a pair of good shoes. Besides, it is a very effective exercise. It can make your hearts, lungs, and bones stronger and help you lose weight in a healthy way. It is also safer than other exercises such as jogging since it won’t hurt the joints on your knees. With so many benefits to gain from, there is no wonder that more and more people enjoy doing it.

請依上文回答第 47 題至第 50 題

(C)47 According to the passage, why has walking at a faster speed become a favorite among people?

(A)More and more people are following it.

(B)People like outdoor exercises.

(C)It’s convenient and inexpensive.

(D)The whole family can do it together.

(D)48 According to the passage, which item is suggested every time you go walking?

(A)Sunglasses (B)An umbrella (C)A formal dress (D)Comfortable clothing

(C)49 How can walking make you healthier?

(A)It takes more time to exercise.            

(B)It can be done in the mornings only.

(C)It enables your body to do a better job.

(D)It won’t cost you too much.

(A)50 According to the passage, why is jogging a more harmful way of exercising than walking?

(A)It is likely to harm your knees. (B)It is harder to follow.

(C)It is dangerous to jog on roads. (D)It makes you become breathless.















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102 年特種考試地方政府公務人員考試試題

George Washington first proposed a military school in 1783. Two decades    36     Washington’s first proposal, on March 16, 1802, the United States Military Academy opened. It was located at West Point, New York, 50 miles north of Manhattan.

West Point became an important American school in the years before the Civil War, establishing    37    as the country’s finest school of engineering and science. Its graduates held    38    roles in American life. They    39    began to serve as junior officers, many later rising to command armies on both sides of the Civil War.

   40    the later years of the 19th century, West Point focused on military courses. When the United States entered World War I, its graduates had charge of almost every major field command.

請依上文回答第 36 題至第 40 題

(B)36 (A)despite (B)after (C)with (D)above

(C)37 (A)one (B)them (C)itself (D)theirs

(D)38 (A)small (B)doubtful (C)empty (D)key

(A)39 (A)also (B)never (C)barely (D)seldom

(C)40 (A)Although (B)Whether (C)During (D)When

(D)41 Genie: Excuse me.          

John: Take the first right after the post office.

Genie: Thank you very much.

(A)Is it far away from the post office?         

(B)I think you are standing in my way.

(C)Can you give me a ride to the post office?

(D)How can I get to the park?

(C)42 Louise: You look nice in your new dress. Where did you buy it?

Francis: Oh,        

(A)I bought it an hour ago.         (B)I bought it with my mother.

(C)I got it at a department store.  (D)I also got a new pair of shoes.

(A)43 If the boy          to his parents, he wouldn’t have been in trouble.

(A)had listened (B)has listened (C)listens (D)listened

(D)44 It was a windy and rainy night;          , I decided to go out.

(A)hence (B)although (C)therefore (D)however

(B)45 Their research project failed, yet John and his team-workers are         .

(A)worth praise (B)worth praising (C)worthy praise (D)worthwhile praising

(C)46 The movie was okay, but I would rather          to the concert last night.

(A)go (B)went (C)have gone (D)have been gone

(A)47 Nancy must have been          me because I haven’t seen her for a month.

(A)avoiding (B)climbing (C)receiving (D)swallowing

(B)48 Denise spent hours sitting in front of her desk. She still could not          out how to solve the puzzle.

(A)set (B)figure (C)look (D)knock

(A)49 With just four weeks left in the Presidential          it’s impossible to say who will win.

(A)campaign (B)admission (C)defense (D)station

(D)50 The          of this book is a winner of the Nobel Prize.

(A)tutor (B)singer (C)trainer (D)author















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103 年特種考試地方政府公務人員考試試題

(B)36 Do you know how long it        to walk to the train station from here?

(A)gets (B)takes (C)spends (D)makes

(B)37 After the stolen truck was abandoned, the police        it to the nearest garage.

(A)fined (B)towed (C)repaired (D)announced

(D)38 Jenny’s excellent academic record helped her gain        to many top universities.

(A)reception (B)agreement (C)decision (D)admission

(C)39 Are you free this weekend? There’s an        of paintings of Manet at Taipei Fine Arts Museum.

(A)impression (B)exception (C)exhibition (D)inflation

(C)40 Mr. Lin couldn’t decide which car to buy,        there were many attractive models.

(A)so (B)or (C)for (D)but

第 41 題至第 45 題為題組

For decades, childhood obesity rates have been on the rise. Now some U.S. cities are seeing progress in their fight against fat. New York City showed a 5.5% drop in the number of overweight children from 2007 to 2011. Philadelphia showed a 4.7% drop, and Los Angeles a 3% drop. Declining childhood obesity rates have also been reported in parts of Mississippi, the state with the highest obesity rate in the nation.

In 2011, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) began a project to combat childhood obesity. The project’s goal is to find ways to make healthy changes in a community’s schools, food stores, parks and other places. For example, Philadelphia works with an organization called the Food Trust to connect schools with local farms and bring fresh vegetables to cafeterias. New York City has required chain restaurants to post calorie information on their menus.

Mississippi created a program called “Fruits & Veggies: More Matters” to teach kids how to add healthy foods to their daily diets. These examples send a clear message: Any community that makes these kinds of changes over a few years will see their children get healthier.

Now schools nationwide are doing their part. Fried food has disappeared from many cafeteria menus. Whole-wheat bread has replaced white bread. Drinks like water and low-fat milk have replaced sugary beverages, including fruit punch, sports drinks and soda. Many schools have banned junk food and require healthier snack options in vending machines.

(B)41 What does the word “obesity” in the article most likely mean?

(A)disease (B)overweight (C)birthrate (D)discipline

(B)42 Which city/state showed the biggest decline in childhood obesity rate?

(A)Philadelphia. (B)New York City. (C)Los Angeles. (D)Mississippi.

(A)43 What is the third paragraph mainly about?

(A)Some healthy choices.     (B)Some nutritional facts.

(C)Some medical treatments.  (D)Some weight control myths.

(B)44 Which measure was taken by Philadelphia to combat childhood obesity?

(A)Establishing chain restaurants all over the city.

(B)Providing fresh vegetables in school cafeterias.

(C)Giving calorie information on restaurant menus.

(D)Teaching children how to go on a healthy diet.

(D)45 Which of the following will most likely appear in a healthy diet?

(A)Fried food. (B)White bread. (C)Sugary beverages. (D)Low-fat milk.

第 46 題至第 50 題為題組

Getting a good camera shot is a difficult challenge for amateur photographers. In order to get a successful picture, there are many things to    46    . First, what do you want to appear in the    47    of the photo you are taking and what will be in the background? Second, you will have to choose between getting a    48    or a distance shot. Third, how will you need to adjust the camera so that the film is not under- or over-exposed because of the amount of light? If you are indoors, the lighting may be    49    and you can use the indoor setting. However, when you are outdoors, you will need to adjust the camera settings so as not to get too much    50     from the sun. Even though there are so many factors to take into consideration, most people with a lot of practice can succeed in getting excellent photographs.

(B)46 (A)conclude (B)consider (C)compete (D)cure

(D)47 (A)portrait (B)sideline (C)timer (D)foreground

(A)48 (A)close-up (B)moving (C)dimmed color

(A)49 (A)artificial (B)transparent (C)split (D)relayed

(D)50 (A)radiation (B)tanning (C)undertone (D)glare















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104 年特種考試地方政府公務人員考試試題

(B)36        of accusing his neighbor of dishonesty, the man apologized sincerely.

(A)Sure (B)Guilty (C)Justified (D)Pitiful

(A)37 The incident caused 964 residents in nearby areas to visit hospitals        feeling sick, vomiting or having difficulty breathing.

(A)on account of (B in terms of (C)in spite of (D)in relation to

(D)38 Susan        to lock the door before she went to bed.

(A)forgets (B)forgotten (C)has forgotten (D)forgot

(B)39 Mary sounded        when I talked to her on our ride home from the office.

(A)tires (B)tired (C)tiring (D)tiredly

(D)40 We have had some        hot days this summer, with the temperature going up to 40 degrees Celsius.

(A)personally (B)separately (C)originally (D)extremely

第 41 題至第 45 題為題組

Hot pot is an easy way to make a meal during the winter. It’s a favorite meal in Asia. You can choose the food to cook in it and also the    41    of soup you want. You will cook all the food in the soup in the pot. When the soup    42   , you can begin cooking the food. Let the food cook     43    about 10 minutes. When the food is done, use your chopsticks or a spoon to put the food in a bowl. When you eat your food, you can add    44    kinds of sauces. After you eat all the food in the hot pot, don’t forget the soup! It will taste very good after you cook your vegetables and meat in it. A hot pot meal is a good time for friends and family to    45    to eat and talk, so don’t eat quickly!

(A)41 (A)kind (B)race (C)meat (D)bean

(D)42 (A)studies (B)sleeps (C)breathes (D)boils

(C)43 (A)in (B)on (C)for (D)under

(B)44 (A)double (B)different (C)direct (D)determined

(A)45 (A)get together (B)turn over (C)come across (D)put together

第 46 題至第 50 題為題組

American families are different today than they were 100 years ago. The biggest difference is that they are smaller. In the past, most families lived on farms. They needed lots of children to help with work. Today, most families live in cities, and many parents cannot afford a large family. Other parents worry that if they have more than two children, it will increase the world’s population.

Also, the types of families are changing. There are more single parents than ever before. More unmarried couples are having children, and many couples are choosing to have no children at all. Today traditional families – a married couple with children – compose less than 25 percent of all US households.

One reason for this is the greater number of working women. In the past, women depended on their husbands. Now many women have jobs. They do not have to be married to get money. Another reason is divorce. This is when the husband and wife decide to end their marriage. About half of all US marriages end in divorce. Finally, many people are not getting married. They choose to live their lives by themselves.

(B)46 According to the passage, what’s the biggest difference between American families today and 100 years ago?

(A)The average age of family members (B)The number of family members

(C)The size of their houses          (D)The style of their houses

(D)47 According to the passage, why were families in the past bigger than families today?

(A)They were richer.                (B)They had bigger houses.

(C)They loved to have more children. (D)They needed children to help on the farms.

(B)48 According to the passage, which of the following statements is the reason why some American parents choose not to have more than two children?

(A)It will increase the birth rate.

(B)It will increase world’s population.

(C)It will decrease the rate of single parents.

(D)It will decrease the divorce rate.

(C)49 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

(A)None of the unmarried couples have children.

(B)There are fewer single parents than ever before.

(C)Many couples choose to have no children nowadays.

(D)Only 75 percent of families in the U.S. nowadays are traditional.

(A)50 According to the passage, which of the following statements is related to the change of US families?

(A)Many women begin to earn their own money.

(B)Many women depend on their husbands.

(C)Many couples decide to continue their marriage.

(D)Many people get married and have children.















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105 年特種考試地方政府公務人員考試試題

(C)36 I would like to have chocolate cake as my after-dinner         .

(A)desert (B)design (C)dessert (D)disaster

(B)37 Penny: Will you visit me during Chinese New Year?

Paul:         .

Penny: OK. I’ll pick you up at the train station.

(A)I am flying from the south (B)I plan to arrive on New Year’s Eve

(C)I prefer cheesecake        (D)I will find my cousin

(C)38          hearing the news of her husband’s sudden death in car crash, Lucy burst into tears.

(A)Before (B)As soon as (C)Upon (D)As long as

(C)39 The cleaning staff            to work on the weekend should inform security guard by Friday noon.

(A)have (B)has (C)having had

(B)40 Jimmy is a very           boy. He always listens to his teachers and never argues with his parents.

(A)handy (B)obedient (C)effective (D)military

第 41 題至第 45 題為題組

For more than 6 decades, Central has been a trusted name—and the store of choice—for generations of shoppers. To mark its 65th Anniversary, Central will hold its annual Flower Extravaganza Exhibition featuring for the first time ever, world renowned Belgian floral designer Daniel Ost, who along with top Thai designers will create unique, breathtaking storewide flower arrangements, merging art and nature splendor. There will also be a variety of activities along with live concerts featuring Thai and international acts plus anniversary promotion offers. Don’t miss one of Bangkok’s most anticipated social events, from the 24th to the 28th of October at our flagship Central Chidlom store.

Located in the heart of Bangkok’s shopping district—Central Chidlom has long been one of the city’s most well-known shopping destinations. Shoppers will love the exciting new Beauty Galerie, along with a huge selection of international luxury-brand items and top-name fashion labels including GUCCI, BOTTEGA VENETA, ALFRED DUNHILL, BALLY, BURBERRY, COACH, and many, many, more. And there’s fine dining on the 7th floor at FoodLoft, with a choice of 8 international cuisines. With our world-class selection and Thai-style hospitality, you’re sure to go home with bags full of happiness…from Central.

(D)41 According to the passage, what is Central Chidlom?

(A)A food store. (B)A flower store. (C)A music store. (D)A department store.

(A)42 According to the passage, when was Central Chidlom founded?

(A)Around the year 1950. (B)Around the year 1970.

(C)Around the year 1990. (D)Around the year 2000.

(D)43 Which of the following is true about Daniel Ost?

(A)He is a Thai fashion leader.        (B)He is a renowned Belgian chef.

(C)He is the owner of Central Chidlom. (D)He  is a famous flower designer.

(C)44 Which of the following is NOT true about Central Chidlom?

(A)It is located in downtown Bangkok.

(B)It celebrates its anniversary in late October.

(C)Its dining area is located on the 8th floor.

(D)It hosts a flower exhibition every year.

(D)45 Which of the following words in the passage means “a large and impressive event”?

(A)Flagship. (B)Promotion. (C)Hospitality. (D)Extravaganza.

第 46 題至第 50 題為題組

I attended my 43 year-old uncle’s wedding last Sunday afternoon. It was not a    46      wedding held in a church with a simple cake-and-tea or coffee reception afterwards. Instead, my uncle and his fiancée    47    their vows of marriage in a beautiful garden at a five-star hotel. Since both my uncle and his fiancée were already working at    48    jobs in two of the most successful computer companies in the city, they didn’t need to depend upon their parents to help pay for their wedding. The couple invited many co-workers and friends besides their relatives. The wedding guests drank pink champagne and ate a    49    of special delicacies prepared by the hotel’s gourmet cooks. Attending this splendid wedding made me think that waiting to tie the wedding knot until one is older and    50    independent is a good idea.

(C)46 (A)proper (B)modern (C)traditional (D)fancy

(B)47 (A)argued (B)exchanged (C)supported (D)invited

(D)48 (A)slow-paced (B)low-level (C)easy-going (D)good-paying

(A)49 (A)variety (B)string (C)bundle (D)piece

(B)50 (A)educationally (B)financially (C)critically (D)unfortunately















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106 年特種考試地方政府公務人員考試試題

(D)36 That the student team from Taiwan won second place at the International Mathematical Olympiad is a great _____.

(A)scooter (B)section (C)servant (D)success

(A)37 Susan is a very _____ person because she loves talking with strangers.

(A)social (B)ordinary (C)healthy (D)rigid

(B)38 People have enjoyed going to the theater to watch plays for centuries-the first theaters _____ about 2,500 years ago.

(A)build (B)were built (C)have been built (D)had been building

(B)39 They _____ at the descriptions of the genes of eighty-four girls, and from the list, chose their two favorites.

(A)look (B)looked (C)have looked (D)are looking

(C)40 Students choose to study a lost ancient city just recently _____ in Europe.

(A)discover (B)discovery (C)discovered (D)discovering

第 41 題至第 45 題為題組

Habitat destruction threatens many of Taiwan’s native plants and animals--including the Formosan black bear.    41    development has caused widespread environmental degradation. To raise people’s    42    of conservation issues, two koalas, Patrick and Harley, were brought from Australia to the Taipei Zoo. The two koalas’ role, as explained by the zoo director Dr. Yan, is to  43    people to the Zoo, where they can learn about the importance of preserving Taiwan’s wild life. The    44    response has been overwhelming. The koalas went on display in August last year, attracting 1.5 million visitors in the first six weeks alone. And many locally    45    education books combining information about koalas with related conservation issues are also selling well. The hard work of the Zoo appears to be paying off.

(C)41 (A)Brain (B)Nature (C)Rapid (D)Social

(C)42 (A)belief (B)interest (C)awareness (D)motivation

(A)43 (A)draw (B)allow (C)admit (D)decide

(D)44 (A)cold (B)secret (C)global (D)public

(C)45 (A)planted (B)polluted (C)published (D)protected

第 46 題至第 50 題為題組

If you charted the incidence of depression since 1950, the lines suggest a growing epidemic. Depending on what assumptions are used, clinical depression is 3 to 10 times as common today than two generations ago. A recent study by Ronald Kessler of Harvard Medical School estimated that each year, 1 in 15 Americans experience an episode of major depression--meaning not just a bad day but depression so debilitating that it’s hard to get out of bed. Money jangles in our wallets and purses as never before, but we are basically no happier for it, and for many, more money

leads to depression. How can that be?

Of course, our grandmothers, many of whom lived through the Depression and the war, told us that money can’t buy happiness. We don’t act as though we listened. Millions of us spend more time and energy pursuing the things money can buy than engaging in activities that create real fulfillment in life, like cultivating friendships, helping others and developing a spiritual sense.

We say we know that money can’t buy happiness. In the TIME poll, when people were asked about their major source of happiness, money ranked 14th. Still, we behave as though happiness is one wave of a credit card away. Too many Americans view expensive purchases as "shortcuts to well-being," says Martin Seligman, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania. But people are poor predictors of where those shortcuts will take them.

To be sure, there is ample evidence that being poor causes unhappiness. For example, studies by Ruut Veenhoven, a sociologist at Erasmus University in Rotterdam, show that the poor--those in Europe earning less than about $10,000 a year--are rendered unhappy by the relentless frustration and stress of poverty.

(C)46 According to this passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

(A)Money can’t buy happiness.

(B)Money may make people get depression.

(C)The real truth about money is easy to find.

(D)Many Americans view expensive purchases as "shortcuts to well-being."

(D)47 Many of our grandmothers lived through the Depression and the war and they told us that money can’t buy happiness. What is our response to their advice?

(A)We listen attentively.

(B)We are convinced that money can’t buy happiness.

(C)We engage in activities that create real fulfillment in life.

(D)Millions of us spend more time and energy pursuing the things money can buy.

(C)48 According to this passage, what can be inferred?

(A)Being poor causes unhappiness.

(B)Unhappiness is likely to result from expensive purchases.

(C)People should engage in meaningful activities that create fulfillment in life.

(D)People get depressed because they make less money than people of two generations ago.

(B)49 Which of the following acts is NOT recommended by the writer?

(A)Helping others.          (B)Trying to be rich.

(C)Cultivating friendships. (D)Developing a spiritual sense.

(C)50 What does the phrase "shortcuts to well-being" mean?

(A)A big challenge to get rich.       (B)A fast method to help people.

(C)A quick way to live a happy life.  (D)A difficult route to real fulfillment.















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107 年特種考試地方政府公務人員考試試題

請依下文回答第 36 題至第 39 題:

Many organizations are trying to find a solution to the problem of world hunger, and CARE is one of them. It provides food to hungry people, and believes that it is more important to help people produce their own food. Because of this belief, the organization has programs to help people improve their lives.

CARE was organized in 1945 to help people after World War II. At that time, it distributed over 100 million food packages. Meanwhile, it was starting self-help programs. In 2014, it has worked in 90 countries around the world. CARE gives equipment and teaches people how to build water systems, roads, schools, houses, and health centers. It also teaches people how to increase production on their farms, how to reforest areas, and how to start small village industries. Doctors and nurses volunteer to go to villages. They provide health care for the people, teach people how to improve their health, and train people to provide simple medical care. CARE also gives special help when there is a flood, an earthquake, a drought or a war.

Where does CARE get its money? Ordinary people in developed countries give money. CARE receives millions of dollars every year. The organization is international. It helps people of any race, color, or religion. It meets with the people to decide on programs together. CARE helps provide the necessities of life to less-developed countries.

(B)36 Which of the followings is NOT the belief of CARE?

(A)They should provide food for hungry people.

(B)They should only help poor people in Europe.

(C)People should learn how to improve their lives.

(D)People should help decide about their own programs.

(A)37 What does CARE teach people in less developed countries?

(A)How to plant trees in places where they cut them all down

(B)How to obtain financial aid from their own governments

(C)How to produce high-quality medicine with low cost

(D)How to get money from developed countries

(B)38 Why do doctors and nurses go to villages?

(A)Because they are forced    (B)Because they are voluntary

(C)Because they are well-paid (D)Because they don’t get jobs elsewhere

(D)39 Where does CARE get its money?

(A)From the governments    (B)From other organizations

(C)From doctors and nurses (D)From ordinary people

請依下文回答第 40 題至第 44 題:

A recent report authored by the United Nations’ Food and Agricultural Organization argues that overcoming our squeamishness about eating bugs may make the crucial    40    in overcoming global hunger.

In terms of nutrition, insects provide an outstanding    41    , having “high fat, protein, fiber, vitamin, and mineral content.” Insects, it turns out, are far more efficient than livestock in transforming feed into edible meat. And they largely avoid the huge greenhouse gas emissions, as well as other environmental pollutants, associated with cows and pigs.

Based on a dietary estimation, the world needs to double its food production over the next 40 years – an effort that will require unprecedented productivity gains while    42    ecological disasters.

Most of today’s insect-eaters live in the developing world, in countries where insects are perceived as a perfectly acceptable and convenient source of energy: seasonably    43    , highly portable, and requiring fewer inputs than agriculture or animal husbandry. While most edible insects continue to be collected in the wild, more organized forms of insect farming have    44    , including “cricket farming” in Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam. By providing employment opportunities, the edible insect sector helps to develop the economy, from Southeast Asia to Central Africa.

(A)40 (A)difference (B)conference (C)experience (D)reference

(B)41 (A)luggage (B)advantage (C)knowledge (D)beverage

(C)42 (A)predicting contributing (B) risking (C) profiting (D)

(A)43 (A)available (B)disposable (C)capable (D)probable

(D)44 (A)immersed vanished (B) converged (C) emerged

請依下文回答第 45 題至第 49 題:

Many of us, nowadays, seem to believe that a happy future is something impossible to achieve. While such concerns must be taken very seriously, they are not invincible. They can be overcome when we don’t lock our door to the outside world.

Happiness can only be discovered as a gift of harmony between the whole and each single component. Even science--and you know it better than I do--points to an understanding of reality as a place where every element connects and interacts with everything else.

And this brings me to my second message. How wonderful would it be if the growth of scientific and technological innovation would come along with more equality and social inclusion. How wonderful would it be, while we discover faraway planets, to rediscover the needs of the brothers and sisters orbiting around us. When one realizes that life, even in the middle of so many contradictions, is a gift, that love is the source and the meaning of life, how can they withhold their urge to do good to another fellow being?

(D)45 Which of the following statements is NOT true according to this passage?

(A)Each and everyone’s existence is deeply tied to that of others.

(B)Life is about interactions.

(C)We need to open ourselves to others for achieving a happy future.

(D)Scientific innovation would definitely lead to a better future.

(A)46 Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

(A)Happiness as the Gift of World Harmony

(B)Skills for Achieving More Happiness

(C)Growth of Scientific and Technological Innovation

(D)Social Equality to Be Achieved

(C)47 Who of the following is most likely to be the speaker of the passage?

(A)A physician. (B)A business manager. (C)A religious mentor. (D)A scientist.

(C)48 Which of following is the most possible situation under which this talk was delivered?

(A)An economic depression.

(B)The competition between two nations.

(C)Conflicts between people around the world.

(D)Global climate change.

(A)49 According to the passage, which of the following is the best solution to human contradiction?

(A)To love people sincerely around you.

(B)To donate money to your neighbors who are in need.

(C)To support scientific research and experiments.

(D)To participate in social welfare activities.

(D)50 David enjoys all kinds of fast foods, but I          .

(A)am am (B) not do (C) do (D) not














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108 年特種考試地方政府公務人員考試試題

(C)36 I would like to        for dropping your cell phone on the ground and I promise it won’t happen again.

(A)collect (B)comment (C)apologize (D)apply

(B)37 Most people find it hard to        the summer heat so they prefer staying in a cool room to going outdoors.

(A)hit (B)bear (C)make (D)keep

(B)38 The singer is putting her music        on hold indefinitely because of her husband’s cancer and her own illness.

(A)brand (B)career (C)quantity (D)recipe

(C)39 Kevin was very sorry for breaking his neighbor’s window and he said that it was all his       .

(A)honor (B)damage (C)fault (D)value

(D)40 People may believe that sharing songs on the Internet doesn’t hurt anyone;       , when musicians don’t earn enough money, they stop making music.

(A)thus (B)moreover (C)still (D)however

(C)41 I’ve been        with Helen for a long time and I don’t even know whether she’s married or not.

(A)out of town (B)out of sight (C)out of touch (D)out of order

(B)42 People work for a living but only a very small        of them are happy with their job.

(A)utility (B)minority (C)item (D)token

(C)43 People are encouraged not to        fruit because the skin often contains plenty of nutritional goodness.

(A)shred (B)wash (C)peel (D)drain

(B)44 The city’s poor people, with hardly any        of water at their disposal, are forced to buy expensive water brought in by tanker.

(A)shop (B)storage (C)power (D)product

(A)45 Losing weight sounds easy in theory, but       , it’s really difficult for some people.

(A)in fact (B)in all (C)at last (D)at rest

請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:

Taxicab drivers in Edinburgh, Scotland, are upset about a strict new dress code that says they must wear flannel trousers, a shirt, and shoes.

Cabbies say the code is too restrictive. Furthermore, they complain that it takes away freedom to wear the national dress—including the Scottish kilt. Cabbie Jim Taylor, of the Edinburgh Street Taxi Association, says that cabbies will go to court if they are forced to follow the dress code.

Taylor remarks, “Most drivers already dress appropriately so there is absolutely no need for such a restrictive dress code. What if a driver wants to wear a kilt? According to this new code, he can’t. After all, we are self-employed drivers. We are not city employees. It is unreasonable for the government to make us follow a dress code like this. No judge can tell us how to dress.”

However, Phil Attridge, a member of the city council, disagreed. “We do not think the dress code is strict. Most drivers already follow it. We don’t want drivers to wear jeans or shorts. Dress is important because drivers often go into hotels to pick up passengers—they should be well-dressed.”

On the issue of kilts and national dress, Attridge added, “If a driver wants to wear some kind of national dress that is not in the code, he or she can ask permission.”

He said a survey showed that 76 percent of cabbies and taxi owners wanted the dress code. In fact, police officers are already enforcing the dress code, and one driver has already paid a fine for wearing corduroy trousers instead of flannel.

(B)46 What is this passage mainly about?

(A)The reasons for regulating taxi drivers’ dress.

(B)The discussion about the new taxi drivers’ dress code.

(C)The problem the new taxi drivers’ dress code may cause.

(D)The advantages of following the new taxi drivers’ dress code.

(A)47 According to the passage, which of the following may taxi drivers in Edinburgh be permitted to wear?

(A)Kilts (B)Jeans (C)Shorts (D)Corduroy trousers

(C)48 Which of the following is NOT a reason why taxicab drivers disagree with the new dress code?

(A)Taxicab drivers are not city employees.

(B)Most drivers already dress appropriately.

(C)Taxicab drivers do not go to hotels very often.

(D)The dress code takes away freedom to wear the national dress.

(B)49 According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

(A)Phil Attridge is a city employee.

(B)The new dress code has not been put into practice.

(C)The city council does not think the dress code is strict.

(D)According to a survey, most taxi drivers wanted the dress code.

(C)50 Where is this passage most likely to appear?

(A)A fashion magazine.      (B)A children’s storybook.

(C)A newspaper in Scotland. (D)A book on taxi drivers’ manners.















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109 年特種考試地方政府公務人員考試試題

(C)36 Curious tourists        up their children to take a closer look at the parade.

(A)encouraged (B)charged (C)lifted (D)delivered

(C)37 If you wish to become somebody in the future, you should set up a        and go for it right now.

(A)trend (B)technique (C)goal (D)gap

(B)38 In many countries, an unwritten dress code makes it        for a man to wear a dark suit and tie to work in company offices.

(A)momentary (B)mandatory (C)memorable (D)minimal

(A)39 Jean’s mother thinks that it is dangerous to swim in the sea, so she keeps telling Jean to        it.

(A)avoid (B)delay (C)govern (D)operate

(D)40 Mary has very poor eyesight after the car accident. She is        able to read well.

(A)typically (B)commonly (C)habitually (D)scarcely


If you spend most of your days sitting at school, work, at a computer or stretched out on a couch at home, you may be taking up to two years off your life. It is    41    that a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes, cancer and obesity, and can result in early death. Many people think they can make up for sitting around by walking, playing sports or going to the gym.    42   , this might not be so. A new study just published in the journal "Annals of Internal Medicine" suggests the effect on our longevity from sitting for long periods of time cannot be changed through exercise. Even 60 minutes of daily exercise may not be enough.

The study is from Dr. David Alter and his colleagues at Toronto University. Dr. Alter and his team analyzed 47 studies that    43    different groups of people, who kept notes on how long they sat down each day and how much they exercised. They found that the most sedentary groups had a 24% increased chance of dying than the   44         sedentary ones. This remained the case even though those who sat a lot also did 60 minutes of daily exercise. Dr. Alter writes:"    45    your sit-down time by 2-3 hours each day by standing up at your desk, taking frequent breaks to stretch and walk, or watching TV on your feet may be better than an expensive, crowded, smelly gym and be just what the doctor ordered."

(C)41 (A)an unlikely fact (B)a rare instance (C)common knowledge (D)mixed feeling

(D)42 (A)Accordingly (B)Immediately (C)Satisfactorily (D)Unfortunately

(C)43 (A)questioned (B)appointed (C)tracked (D)advised

(A)44 (A)least (B)last (C)more (D)best

(C)45 (A)Maintaining (B)Conducting (C)Reducing (D)Overseeing


A new Japanese study has found that cats match dogs in some memory tests. The study used 49 cats and different bowls of food, and the result shows that cats can recall memories of positive experiences, such as eating a delicious snack. The experiment was a test of episodic memory, or memory of past experiences that occur at a particular time and place. In the experiment, cats were led to four bowls of food, and were permitted to eat from two of them. After fifteen minutes, the bowls were replaced with empty ones, and the same cats returned to the room in search of food. Here, researchers found that the cats spent more time exploring those bowls from which they had already eaten than others. That cats were able to remember “what” and “where” information about the food bowls suggests they have episodic memory. The researcher said that both cats and dogs may have episodic memory similar to that of humans and that cats are just as smart as dogs. Still, it’s unclear whether cats can experience past memories as deeply as humans do. “It’s also hard to know if the cats actually remember the experience of going to that particular bowl, such as the colors and the sounds,” said the researcher. The study’s results may have many practical uses. A professor from Yale University said, “It opens the door to new studies examining how long cats’ memories can be, and whether they also remember richer experiences in their own life as humans do.”

(D)46 According to the passage, what is the finding of a Japanese study?

(A)Cats are proven to be smarter than humans.

(B)Smart cats enjoy food in colored bowls.

(C)Cats are just as smart as humans.

(D)Cats and dogs might be equally smart.

(B)47 Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?

(A)Research on Cats and Dogs. (B)A Study of Cats' Memory.

(C)A Study of Smart Food .    (D)Research on Japanese Researchers.

(D)48 According to the passage, which of the following is an example of positive experience for a cat?

(A)Taking a nap. (B)Playing with a dog. (C)Making a sound. (D)Eating a snack.

(A)49 According to the passage, which of the following does "episodic memory" refer to?

(A)Experiences. (B)Colors. (C)Japanese studies. (D)Food types.

(B)50 What does "that" in "... both cats and dogs may have episodic memory similar to that of humans..." refer to?

(A)Research. (B)Memory. (C)Intelligence. (D)Information.















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110 年特種考試地方政府公務人員考試試題

(B)36 We need to        a babysitter so that we can both go to my father’s birthday party.

(A)hide (B)hire (C)hunt (D)hold

(D)37 People in different cultures may have different        of greeting.

(A)contracts (B)customers (C)contacts (D)customs

(C)38 It rained so heavily this morning that I could        walk in the street.

(A)only (B)really (C)hardly (D)clearly

(A)39 Sea level rise is a (n)        of global warming that has been threatening small-island nations and coastal regions.

(A) impact (B) journal (C) object (D) contest

(C)40 The voting for building a park for dogs in this city will        next week.

(A)take off (B)bring in (C)take place (D)bring about

(C)41 Professor Lee is one of those rare scientists who can explain something technical so well that  a          can understand.

(A)defender (B)mentor (C)layperson (D)mocker

(A)42        flights are generally cheaper and shorter than most international flights.

(A)Domestic (B)Electric (C)Medical (D)Original

(A)43 The school education is based on the fundamental        that students should develop their full potential.

(A)principle (B)rotation (C)construction (D)treatment

(A)44 Nowadays many people        to the online music service instead of buying the real musical DVDs or CDs.

(A)subscribe (B)supply (C)sustain (D)submit

(D)45 Tina was mad with her boyfriend at the party, but she didn’t want to make a        in public.

(A)sense (B)scent (C)science (D)scene

請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:

Authorities in Hawaii are proposing a ban on the popular tourist activity of swimming with dolphins off the Hawaiian coast. The dolphins have    46    as a magnet for tourists over the past few decades. However, federal officials say the increasing tourism is    47    to the dolphins because they are supposed to be resting and socializing. The National Marine Fisheries Service proposes to prohibit swimming with, or approaching within 50 meters of, Hawaii’s spinner dolphins. That would put an end to many tour group activities, which involve sailing alongside  the    48    in a boat and snorkeling with them. Ann Garrett, a spokeswoman for the National Marine Fisheries Service, said she didn’t think the ban would have a big impact    49    the tourist trade in Hawaii. Tour operators    50    with Ms. Garrett’s assessment. They warned that it would be the end of legitimate dolphin swimming in this area. Dolphins typically are most active at night and sleep and relax during the day, which is when the tourists interact with them.

(A)46 (A)served (B)protected (C)traded (D)inspected

(C)47 (A)essential (B)practical (C)harmful (D)restless

(A)48 (A)creatures (B)passages (C)substances (D)directors

(C)49 (A)with (B)at (C)on (D)by

(D)50 (A)promised (B)insisted (C)suffered (D)disagreed















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(D)36 Betty has been very         towards Tom since their quarrel last week.

(A)afraid (B)bothering (C)clever (D)cold

(B)37 My father loves to         the mountains every Sunday morning.

(A)point (B)climb (C)trace (D)become

(D)38 The cookbook contains a wonderful         for roast chicken.

(A)system (B)spell (C)vehicle (D)recipe

(D)39 Before Sally and John divorced, they tried a        .

(A)widow (B)wedding (C)sequence (D)separation

(B)40 I love this song a lot because it has a sweet        .

(A)noise (B)melody (C)flour (D)waist

“Stay inside” is no longer a safe way to escape from unhealthful air. Recent studies have shown that indoor air pollution is almost always two to five times worse than outside pollution. Buildings create their own pollution, and the air inside many homes, office buildings, and schools is full of pollutants including chemicals, bacteria, and smoke. These pollutants are causing a group of unpleasant and dangerous symptoms such as eye or throat discomfort, headache, dizziness, and tiredness, which experts call “sick building syndrome.”

There is a possible solution to the problem of “sick” buildings. A scientist at NASA was trying to find ways to clean the air in space stations. He discovered that houseplants actually remove pollutants from the air. But we don’t know enough yet. There are many questions. For instance, which pollutants can plants remove? Which can’t they remove? How many plants are necessary to clean the air in the room? When we are able to answer these questions, we might find that plants offer an important pollution-control system for the 21st century.

請回答下列第 41 題至第 45 題

(D)41 The phrase “sick buildings” refers to the buildings which        .

(A)are unfriendly to the disabled

(B)are about to fall down

(C)provide a place for the sick to stay in

(D)have indoor air quality problems

(A)42 How would you summarize the first paragraph?

(A)Domestic pollution poses greater risk to health than we have thought.

(B)Indoor pollution causes discomfort.

(C)Walking down the street is safer than staying home.

(D)We are advised to open windows to bring fresh air into the house.

(B)43 According to the article, which of the following statements is true?

(A)A scientist at NASA advised us to return to nature.

(B)Growing houseplants is a possible way to reduce indoor air pollution.

(C)Houseplants can make home look more attractive.

(D)Houseplants could be a source of domestic pollution.

(B)44 According to the article, the word “pollutant” refers to the substance which          .

(A)prevents bacteria from growing

(B)is harmful to the environment and health

(C)slows down the growth of houseplants

(D)is created at space stations

(C)45 The most appropriate title for the passage would be “         .”

(A)Sick Building Syndrome

(B)The Cooperation of Science and Nature

(C)Indoor Air Pollution Problem and Its Solution

(D)Houseplants and Their Use

There is very little information about the great Master in the history of Chinese education, Confucius (551-479 BC), and his writings. He had many students, or disciples. Most of    46    scholars know today comes from the writings of the students who studied under Confucius.    47    his death, a few of his students began to record the teachings of Confucius. They also tried to    48    some of the history texts and poetry that Confucius edited. However,    49    all of the writings that have been attributed to Confucius, we are still not completely sure    50    parts were actually written by Confucius himself. Despite the uncertainty, future scholars will continue the task of keeping and exploring Confucius’s teachings.

請回答下列第 46 題至第 50 題

(A)46 (A)what (B)how (C)those (D)which

(C)47 (A)Until (B)For (C)Upon (D)At

(C)48 (A)ignore (B)distress (C)preserve (D)shock

(D)49 (A)along (B)between (C)into (D)among

(B)50 (A)that (B)which (C)whose (D)those











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(C)36 Mr. Wang’s lawyer argued strongly that his rights had been        because the police had illegally searched his apartment.

(A)produced (B)misled (C)violated (D)implied

(D)37 Tina has been        from diabetes for several years, and she has to go to see a doctor every month.

(A)affecting (B)catching (C)inflicting (D)suffering

(C)38 Mary experienced a great        and couldn’t speak when she heard the news.

(A)sample (B)secret (C)shock (D)similarity

(A)39 Could you please go to the post office and send this        out for me?

(A)letter (B)speech (C)stamp (D)word

(C)40 Jack gave me a big        on my birthday last year. I was really touched.

(A)accident (B)interest (C)surprise (D)trouble

The 30-Hour Famine is a program of World Vision, an international Christian relief and development organization established in the 1950s and dedicated to helping children in the world, because “when children have food, shelter and schooling and are protected, valued and loved, a community thrives.”

Each year, World Vision decides which countries will receive funding from the 30-Hour Famine. In 2001, for example, the money went to Rwanda, India, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Guatemala, Mali, Tanzania and the fund raising countries. In India, the money is being used to rescue children from sweatshops. In Ethiopia, where a drought has swept the land and robbed it of its vegetation, the money is being used for reforestation and soil management programs. Eighty per cent of all money raised goes to help children, with the other 20 per cent spent on staff salaries and marketing to increase awareness of world hunger.

Now that you know about the 30-Hour Famine and the difference it can make for children around the world, what are you going to do? You can visit <www.wvi.org and www.30hrfamine.com>, learn about the campaigns in your country, register to participate in a 30-Hour Famine and plunge whole-heartedly into your hunger!

請回答下列第 41 題至第 45 題

(A)41 The 30-Hour Famine was started so that people around the world could       .

(A)improve children’s lives

(B)participate in more volunteering work

(C)help poor countries do soil management

(D)gain a better understanding of what hunger means

(D)42 “Drought” in the second paragraph refers to       .

(A)flood (B)earthquake (C)terrible fire (D)shortage of water

(B)43 What does the second paragraph center on?

(A)How the 30-Hour Famine works.

(B)How the money raised by the Famine is used.

(C)How the writer learned about the 30-Hour Famine.

(D)How many children die from diseases related to famine.

(A)44 Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?

(A)World Vision decides which countries will receive funding.

(B)Each country in need sends in a proposal to apply for sponsorship.

(C)The 30-Hour Famine Program runs the organization of World Vision.

(D)20 per cent of all money is being used for reforestation and soil management programs.

(C)45 According to the article, we can infer that       .

(A)charitable actions make no difference in the world

(B)we will enjoy starving if we participate in a 30-Hour Famine

(C)the 30-Hour Famine Program is about helping children in need

(D)the volunteers go through a starvation process for their salaries

Leonardo da Vinci possessed one of history’s most searching minds. He was a scientist    46    an artist. His notebooks of more than 4,000 pages are an insight     47    his intellectual curiosity. He is perhaps best    48    his portrait Mona Lisa (1503). The identity of the Mona Lisa has long been a mystery for art scholars. In 1986 a computer analyst, Lillian Schwartz, asserted that Mona Lisa was really Leonardo himself.   49    that the painter was a homosexual and that he liked to trick people with riddles. Then in early 1987 another computer analyst came up with “evidence” that the smiling lady wore no necklace and    50    before a distant mountain range. In short, this painting may be the most controversial ever done.

請回答下列第 46 題至第 50 題

(A)46 (A)as well as (B)no better than (C)rather than (D)except for

(A)47 (A)into (B)upon (C)through (D)by

(D)48 (A)familiar with (B)familiar to (C)known with (D)known for

(C)49 (A)It is hoped (B)It is wished (C)It is believed (D)It is counted

(B)50 (A)stand (B)stood (C)standing (D)stands
















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(A)36 I need some         to pay for the parking.

(A)change (B)checks (C)charge (D)currency

(B)37 Many people have died of liver cancer because it is difficult to         it in its early stages.

(A)choose (B)detect (C)prefer (D)repeat

(D)38 He gets very         with his job as a doorman.

(A)bore (B)boring (C)bores (D)bored

(C)39 It is a shame that the error was noticed only after Ms. Perng         the project proposal.

(A)sends in (B)has sent in (C)had sent in (D)is sending in

(D)40 William found the movie         because he loves the story about humans and animals.

(A)to interest (B)interest (C)interested (D)interesting

(A)41 David: I’m planning to go camping next weekend with my friends. Would you like to come with us?


David: Are you sure you don’t want to go? It should be a lot of fun.

(A)Oh, I’d like to, but I already have other plans.

(B)Where will you go?

(C)That sounds wonderful.

(D)Thanks for inviting me.

(A)42 Waiter: Are you ready to order?

Tommy: Yes. Can I have the steak, please?


Tommy: Medium.

(A)How would you like it cooked? (B)Which part would you like?

(C)How fast should we serve you? (D)Do you prefer your steak well done?

Advertisements are everywhere. In order to draw our attention, advertisements have been  43    in different mediums and forms. They have been shown in buses and cars to    44    that people can see them wherever they go. They can also be seen in balloons floating up in the air. On the Internet, advertisements will pop up on the    45     so that people cannot avoid them. Although most people might feel excited when first seeing them, they can still    46    them away whenever they like. But people can do almost nothing about it if pop-up ads    47    on television. It can really affect people and most people aren’t happy to see them.

(D)43 (A)suffered (B)removed (C)explained (D)displayed

(B)44 (A)take care (B)make sure (C)pay off (D)act out

(A)45 (A)screen (B)keyboard (C)mouse (D)printer

(C)46 (A)smile (B)take (C)click (D)wipe

(C)47 (A)perform (B)watch (C)appear (D)sing

The thieves struck on the morning of August 22, 2004, not long after the Munch Museum had opened. The Sunday peace was broken by the shouting of the two men storming into the exhibition area. Using a gun to force the guards to the ground, they took two paintings off the wall and left. The whole thing took less than 5 minutes. The crime was seen as a shame to Norway, which regards Munch’s paintings as among its most valued cultural treasures. One and a half years on, six men were charged and their trial began February 14, 2006. The police may catch the thieves, but they don’t have the paintings. In the first place, the police took so long to arrive. By the time they did, the original witnesses were gone and the crime scene had been changed with other visitors. The only evidence they got was an unclear photo of two guys taken by the security camera. The police began to make some arrest 8 months later. As for the museum, it closed after the robbery and reopened 10 months later, after adding $6 million security equipment.

(D)48 On what day did the robbery happen?

(A)Monday. (B)Friday. (C)Saturday. (D)Sunday.

(B)49 When did the Museum reopen?

(A)April 2005. (B)June 2005. (C)February 2006. (D)December 2006.

(C)50 Why did the late arrival of the police make it more difficult to find the paintings?

(A)The guards had been seriously injured.  

(B)The security camera had been broken.

(C)Some evidence might have been lost.    

(D)The visitors had been scared away.











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(B)36 I need to go to the        to exchange my new basketball shoes.

(A)clinic (B)mall (C)coffee shop (D)restaurant

(B)37 Eating breakfast every morning is very important for students. It enables them to have  enough        to learn new things.

(A)interest (B)energy (C)dream (D)fun

(D)38 The endings of the modern movies are often open,        the viewers in doubt as to the final outcome of the characters.

(A)left (B)leaves (C)left to (D)leaving

(B)39 This luggage is three times as heavy        that.

(A)for (B)as (C)of (D)than

(B)40 Some people like football and           like basketball.

(A)other (B)others (C)another (D)the other

(B)41 John: Hello, is Mark there?

Mary: Yes.


Mary: Well, he’s busy right now.

(A)Where is he?            (B)May I speak to him?

(C)I’ll call again later. (D)This is John speaking.

(D)42 Lisa: I’m going to the supermarket. Do you need anything?


Lisa: Sure. Anything else?

(A)Yes. It’s great. (B)May I take your order?

(C)Yes, please do.   (D)Could you buy some bread for me?

Online learning is also called distance education. Many American colleges and universities have been offering it for years. Online classes are usually taught by    43    who have been trained in online teaching. These classes can be highly interactive,    44    students communicate with each other and their teachers. Some classes require students to all log in at the same time so they can    45    live lectures by a professor. Students can also ask questions and work together on team projects. Many schools offer online education. Students should be especially careful of programs that offer a degree    46     for little or no work. These are known as diploma mills, and are illegal in the United States. Educational advisers also say that before you enter any program, make sure the work will    47    in your country.

(C)43 (A)technicians (B)colleagues (C)professors (D)nurses

(A)44 (A)where (B)which (C)that (D)when

(A)45 (A)join (B)participate (C)make (D)listen

(B)46 (A)exchange (B)in return (C)require (D)in need

(D)47 (A)regard (B)be regarded (C)recognize (D)be recognized

In 1888, Vincent Van Gogh moved to Arles, a town in southern France. The artist Paul Gauguin moved there too, and they became good friends. The weather was beautiful, and they were both inspired by the colorful countryside. They painted daily and talked about art, but they didn’t have much money. Van Gogh often became sad and couldn’t paint. One day he became very angry and argued with Gauguin. Gauguin left Arles, and shortly after, Van Gogh cut off a piece of his own ear.

After a while, Van Gogh began to paint again. He sent some paintings to Paris but couldn’t sell them. Then, in 1890, early on a Sunday evening, Van Gogh went out to the countryside with his paints. He took out a gun and shot himself in the chest. His brother Theo traveled from Paris to be with him. Two days later, Van Gogh died.

In his short, sad life, Van Gogh painted 200 paintings. He sold only one of them. In 1990, one of his paintings was sold for 82.5 million U.S. dollars.

(C)48 This passage is mainly about       .

(A)a short friendship between Van Gogh and Gauguin

(B)the reason why Van Gogh cut off his own ear

(C)Van Gogh’s life in Arles as an unknown painter

(D)Theo’s brotherly love for Vincent Van Gogh

(D)49 Which of the following statements is correct?

(A)Van Gogh could not paint any more after his crazy act.

(B)Van Gogh did not attempt to kill himself.

(C)Theo came from Paris to attend Van Gogh’s funeral.

(D)Van Gogh killed himself in the countryside.

(B)50 One of Van Gogh’s paintings was sold for 82.5 million U.S. dollars about        years after his death.

(A)50 (B)100 (C)150 (D)200
















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(C)36 They decided to change the plan because they couldn’t find any           to the problem.

(A)reply (B)result (C)solution (D)standard

(B)37 Some young people learn to be more           and responsible after they go to college and live away from home.

(A)fearful (B)independent (C)playful (D)selfish

(A)38 If you think that skiing is so easy,           you should go to Switzerland and try to ski on one of the mountains there.

(A)then (B)but (C)though (D)and

(D)39 Janet has changed a lot since high school. I could hardly           her at last night’s party.

(A)mention (B)inform (C)program (D)recognize

(C)40 Please wait here for a while. I’ll have the documents           for you as quickly as possible.

(A)prepare (B)prepares (C)prepared (D)preparing

Jackie Chan, possibly one of the biggest movie stars in the world, is famous for his action movies. In fact, Chan’s movies are more than simple action movies—they are action-comedies. He started using comedy early in his    41    when he was preparing to be the next Bruce Lee. He realized that his    42    face would stop him from being as tough as Lee, so he started to use comedy. But Chan quickly found that using humor was not so simple. His movie “Rush Hour” was a much  43    success in America and Europe than in Asia. Chan says this was because in different countries people have a different sense of humor. The humor in “Rush Hour” just didn’t work with    44    audiences. “From that time, I knew that I would have to make    45    movies a year; one for Asian market and one for American market.” Everyone likes humor, but the humor everyone likes is different.

(A)41 (A)career (B)family (C)childhood (D)retirement

(C)42 (A)sad (B)angry (C)friendly (D)tiresome

(C)43 (A)taller (B)heavier (C)bigger (D)darker

(A)44 (A)Asian (B)African (C)American (D)European

(B)45 (A)one (B)two (C)three (D)four

According to “pro-life” supporters, a fertilized human egg is a human being. Any effort to stop its development is murder. No one has the right to kill another human being, and so abortion, to end a pregnancy and kill a life, should not be legal. Moreover, pro-life groups often emphasize the importance of motherhood to women. They argue that abortion can do terrible damage to a woman’s body and mind.

“Pro-choice” groups, on the other hand, support a woman’s right to choose whether or not to have an abortion. They argue that a woman has the right to control her body and to determine her future. Besides, as the majority of fertilized eggs are lost from the womb naturally and do not develop further, it is wrong to see an embryo or a fetus as a person, with a right to life.

(D)46 What is the main topic of the article?

(A)Motherhood (B)Children (C)Eggs (D)Abortion

(C)47 According to the article, “pro-life” supporters see a human embryo as a             .

(A)killer (B)womb (C)person (D)lawyer

(A)48 According to the article, which of the following is “pro-life” supporters’ argument?

(A)Women who have an abortion will suffer physically and mentally.

(B)Motherhood is not important to women at all.

(C)Men love women who oppose abortion more than those who are for it.

(D)Men will have an affair if their wives have an abortion.

(B)49 According to the article, “pro-choice” groups argue that           .

(A)it’s wrong to end a pregnancy

(B)women should be allowed to make choices for themselves

(C)a fetus has a right to life

(D)children are unimportant to women

(D)50 It can be inferred from the article that for “pro-choice” groups, abortion is a           .

(A)dangerous choice (B)medical issue (C)serious crime (D)human right











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