

108 年特種考試地方政府公務人員考試試題

(C)36 I would like to        for dropping your cell phone on the ground and I promise it won’t happen again.

(A)collect (B)comment (C)apologize (D)apply

(B)37 Most people find it hard to        the summer heat so they prefer staying in a cool room to going outdoors.

(A)hit (B)bear (C)make (D)keep

(B)38 The singer is putting her music        on hold indefinitely because of her husband’s cancer and her own illness.

(A)brand (B)career (C)quantity (D)recipe

(C)39 Kevin was very sorry for breaking his neighbor’s window and he said that it was all his       .

(A)honor (B)damage (C)fault (D)value

(D)40 People may believe that sharing songs on the Internet doesn’t hurt anyone;       , when musicians don’t earn enough money, they stop making music.

(A)thus (B)moreover (C)still (D)however

(C)41 I’ve been        with Helen for a long time and I don’t even know whether she’s married or not.

(A)out of town (B)out of sight (C)out of touch (D)out of order

(B)42 People work for a living but only a very small        of them are happy with their job.

(A)utility (B)minority (C)item (D)token

(C)43 People are encouraged not to        fruit because the skin often contains plenty of nutritional goodness.

(A)shred (B)wash (C)peel (D)drain

(B)44 The city’s poor people, with hardly any        of water at their disposal, are forced to buy expensive water brought in by tanker.

(A)shop (B)storage (C)power (D)product

(A)45 Losing weight sounds easy in theory, but       , it’s really difficult for some people.

(A)in fact (B)in all (C)at last (D)at rest

請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:

Taxicab drivers in Edinburgh, Scotland, are upset about a strict new dress code that says they must wear flannel trousers, a shirt, and shoes.

Cabbies say the code is too restrictive. Furthermore, they complain that it takes away freedom to wear the national dress—including the Scottish kilt. Cabbie Jim Taylor, of the Edinburgh Street Taxi Association, says that cabbies will go to court if they are forced to follow the dress code.

Taylor remarks, “Most drivers already dress appropriately so there is absolutely no need for such a restrictive dress code. What if a driver wants to wear a kilt? According to this new code, he can’t. After all, we are self-employed drivers. We are not city employees. It is unreasonable for the government to make us follow a dress code like this. No judge can tell us how to dress.”

However, Phil Attridge, a member of the city council, disagreed. “We do not think the dress code is strict. Most drivers already follow it. We don’t want drivers to wear jeans or shorts. Dress is important because drivers often go into hotels to pick up passengers—they should be well-dressed.”

On the issue of kilts and national dress, Attridge added, “If a driver wants to wear some kind of national dress that is not in the code, he or she can ask permission.”

He said a survey showed that 76 percent of cabbies and taxi owners wanted the dress code. In fact, police officers are already enforcing the dress code, and one driver has already paid a fine for wearing corduroy trousers instead of flannel.

(B)46 What is this passage mainly about?

(A)The reasons for regulating taxi drivers’ dress.

(B)The discussion about the new taxi drivers’ dress code.

(C)The problem the new taxi drivers’ dress code may cause.

(D)The advantages of following the new taxi drivers’ dress code.

(A)47 According to the passage, which of the following may taxi drivers in Edinburgh be permitted to wear?

(A)Kilts (B)Jeans (C)Shorts (D)Corduroy trousers

(C)48 Which of the following is NOT a reason why taxicab drivers disagree with the new dress code?

(A)Taxicab drivers are not city employees.

(B)Most drivers already dress appropriately.

(C)Taxicab drivers do not go to hotels very often.

(D)The dress code takes away freedom to wear the national dress.

(B)49 According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

(A)Phil Attridge is a city employee.

(B)The new dress code has not been put into practice.

(C)The city council does not think the dress code is strict.

(D)According to a survey, most taxi drivers wanted the dress code.

(C)50 Where is this passage most likely to appear?

(A)A fashion magazine.      (B)A children’s storybook.

(C)A newspaper in Scotland. (D)A book on taxi drivers’ manners.















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