



(C)36 They decided to change the plan because they couldn’t find any           to the problem.

(A)reply (B)result (C)solution (D)standard

(B)37 Some young people learn to be more           and responsible after they go to college and live away from home.

(A)fearful (B)independent (C)playful (D)selfish

(A)38 If you think that skiing is so easy,           you should go to Switzerland and try to ski on one of the mountains there.

(A)then (B)but (C)though (D)and

(D)39 Janet has changed a lot since high school. I could hardly           her at last night’s party.

(A)mention (B)inform (C)program (D)recognize

(C)40 Please wait here for a while. I’ll have the documents           for you as quickly as possible.

(A)prepare (B)prepares (C)prepared (D)preparing

Jackie Chan, possibly one of the biggest movie stars in the world, is famous for his action movies. In fact, Chan’s movies are more than simple action movies—they are action-comedies. He started using comedy early in his    41    when he was preparing to be the next Bruce Lee. He realized that his    42    face would stop him from being as tough as Lee, so he started to use comedy. But Chan quickly found that using humor was not so simple. His movie “Rush Hour” was a much  43    success in America and Europe than in Asia. Chan says this was because in different countries people have a different sense of humor. The humor in “Rush Hour” just didn’t work with    44    audiences. “From that time, I knew that I would have to make    45    movies a year; one for Asian market and one for American market.” Everyone likes humor, but the humor everyone likes is different.

(A)41 (A)career (B)family (C)childhood (D)retirement

(C)42 (A)sad (B)angry (C)friendly (D)tiresome

(C)43 (A)taller (B)heavier (C)bigger (D)darker

(A)44 (A)Asian (B)African (C)American (D)European

(B)45 (A)one (B)two (C)three (D)four

According to “pro-life” supporters, a fertilized human egg is a human being. Any effort to stop its development is murder. No one has the right to kill another human being, and so abortion, to end a pregnancy and kill a life, should not be legal. Moreover, pro-life groups often emphasize the importance of motherhood to women. They argue that abortion can do terrible damage to a woman’s body and mind.

“Pro-choice” groups, on the other hand, support a woman’s right to choose whether or not to have an abortion. They argue that a woman has the right to control her body and to determine her future. Besides, as the majority of fertilized eggs are lost from the womb naturally and do not develop further, it is wrong to see an embryo or a fetus as a person, with a right to life.

(D)46 What is the main topic of the article?

(A)Motherhood (B)Children (C)Eggs (D)Abortion

(C)47 According to the article, “pro-life” supporters see a human embryo as a             .

(A)killer (B)womb (C)person (D)lawyer

(A)48 According to the article, which of the following is “pro-life” supporters’ argument?

(A)Women who have an abortion will suffer physically and mentally.

(B)Motherhood is not important to women at all.

(C)Men love women who oppose abortion more than those who are for it.

(D)Men will have an affair if their wives have an abortion.

(B)49 According to the article, “pro-choice” groups argue that           .

(A)it’s wrong to end a pregnancy

(B)women should be allowed to make choices for themselves

(C)a fetus has a right to life

(D)children are unimportant to women

(D)50 It can be inferred from the article that for “pro-choice” groups, abortion is a           .

(A)dangerous choice (B)medical issue (C)serious crime (D)human right











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