


(B)36 You have stayed         all morning, and you don’t look well. You should go out and enjoy the sunshine.

(A)lately (B)indoors (C)early (D)outdoors

(B)37 Comics is a mono-sensory medium; it relies on only one of the         to convey a world of experience.

(A)sensors (B)senses (C)scents (D)scenes

(A)38 After our new staff members         the training program, they will receive a certificate.

(A)complete (B)compete (C)complain (D)command

(B)39 India, Malaysia, and the Philippines used to be         by the English-speaking powers.

(A)invented (B)ruled (C)designed (D)finished

(A)40 Over millions of years, birds such as ostriches, emus and penguins have         lost the ability to fly.

(A)gradually (B)properly (C)suddenly (D)temporarily

第 41 題至第 45 題,請依文意,從四個選項中選出最合適者

It is vital that parents recognize the strong influence they    41    on their children’s educational decisions and career paths. The most significant factors appear    42    the size of the family, parenting style, and the attitudes parents have about work in general.    43    is essential for parents to recognize that the long, ever-changing process of career choice begins when children are still young. Educators    44    parents who are not aware of the importance of their    45    , positive or negative, influence on their children.

(C)41 (A)take (B)get (C)have (D)pull

(D)42 (A)be (B)been (C)being (D)to be

(C)43 (A)He (B)What  (C)It  (D)Which

(A)44 (A)are concerned about (B)have the idea (C)get the opinions (D)are in the mood

(B)45 (A)scattering (B)enduring (C)finite (D)drifting

請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題

For decades inflation was the bogeyman in rich countries. But now some economists reckon that deflation, or falling prices, may be a more serious threat—in America and Europe as well as Japan. That would be decidedly awkward, given the surge in borrowing by firms and households in recent years. Particularly worrying is the rise in borrowing by American households to finance purchases of houses, cars or luxury goods. Deflation would swell the real burden of these debts, forcing consumers to cut their spending.

Deflation is not necessarily bad. If falling prices are caused by faster productivity growth, as happened in the late 19th century, then it can go hand in hand with robust growth. On the other hand, if deflation reflects a slump in demand and excess capacity, it can be dangerous, as it was in the 1930s, triggering a downward spiral of demand and prices.

Today, both the good and bad sorts of deflation are at work. Some prices are falling because of productivity gains, thanks to information technology. But the weakness of profits suggests that most deflation is now bad, not good. Deflation is particularly harmful when an economy is awash with debt. Total private-sector debt is now much higher than when deflation was last experienced in the 1930s. Falling prices not only increase the real burden of debt, they also make it impossible for a central bank to deliver negative real interest rates, because nominal rates cannot go below


If deflation causes real debts to swell, debtors may have to cut spending and sell assets to meet their payments. This can unleash a vicious spiral of falling incomes, asset prices and rising real debt. Irving Fisher, an American economist, described this process in a famous article in 1993 entitled “The Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions”. He described how attempts by individuals to reduce their debt burden by cutting costs could paradoxically cause their debt burden to swell. Unable to increase prices to boost profits, firms have to cut costs, either by reducing labour costs and hence household income or by buying less from other firms. This is sensible for an individual firm, but it reduces demand in the economy, thwarting the desired improvement in profit, leading to another round of cuts and putting further downward pressure on prices.

(A)46 The word “bogeyman” is used to express that inflation was

(A)frightening (B)well studied (C)not a problem (D)surprising

(B)47 The primary purpose of this passage is to

(A)inform what happens when price level rises

(B)inform how dangerous it could be when price level goes down

(C)compares between inflation and deflation

(D)argue for a strong deflation

(D)48 Under what situation would deflation not be a threat to the society?

(A)When product availability exceeds people’s demands

(B)When firms are borrowing money from the banks for business

(C)When people are borrowing to purchase houses

(D)When it is caused by faster productivity growth

(C)49 According to the passage, what does downward spiral of demand and prices refer to?

(A)the prices go up but the demand goes down

(B)the prices go up but the demand goes up

(C)the prices go down but the demand goes down

(D)the prices go down and the demand goes up

(C)50 Which of the following is NOT true of deflation?

(A)Deflation could be both good and bad.

(B)Deflation could cause real debts to swell.

(C)The surge in borrowing by firms and households causes deflation.

(D)Both the good and bad sorts of deflation can be seen today.
















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