

109 年特種考試地方政府公務人員考試試題

(C)36 Curious tourists        up their children to take a closer look at the parade.

(A)encouraged (B)charged (C)lifted (D)delivered

(C)37 If you wish to become somebody in the future, you should set up a        and go for it right now.

(A)trend (B)technique (C)goal (D)gap

(B)38 In many countries, an unwritten dress code makes it        for a man to wear a dark suit and tie to work in company offices.

(A)momentary (B)mandatory (C)memorable (D)minimal

(A)39 Jean’s mother thinks that it is dangerous to swim in the sea, so she keeps telling Jean to        it.

(A)avoid (B)delay (C)govern (D)operate

(D)40 Mary has very poor eyesight after the car accident. She is        able to read well.

(A)typically (B)commonly (C)habitually (D)scarcely


If you spend most of your days sitting at school, work, at a computer or stretched out on a couch at home, you may be taking up to two years off your life. It is    41    that a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes, cancer and obesity, and can result in early death. Many people think they can make up for sitting around by walking, playing sports or going to the gym.    42   , this might not be so. A new study just published in the journal "Annals of Internal Medicine" suggests the effect on our longevity from sitting for long periods of time cannot be changed through exercise. Even 60 minutes of daily exercise may not be enough.

The study is from Dr. David Alter and his colleagues at Toronto University. Dr. Alter and his team analyzed 47 studies that    43    different groups of people, who kept notes on how long they sat down each day and how much they exercised. They found that the most sedentary groups had a 24% increased chance of dying than the   44         sedentary ones. This remained the case even though those who sat a lot also did 60 minutes of daily exercise. Dr. Alter writes:"    45    your sit-down time by 2-3 hours each day by standing up at your desk, taking frequent breaks to stretch and walk, or watching TV on your feet may be better than an expensive, crowded, smelly gym and be just what the doctor ordered."

(C)41 (A)an unlikely fact (B)a rare instance (C)common knowledge (D)mixed feeling

(D)42 (A)Accordingly (B)Immediately (C)Satisfactorily (D)Unfortunately

(C)43 (A)questioned (B)appointed (C)tracked (D)advised

(A)44 (A)least (B)last (C)more (D)best

(C)45 (A)Maintaining (B)Conducting (C)Reducing (D)Overseeing


A new Japanese study has found that cats match dogs in some memory tests. The study used 49 cats and different bowls of food, and the result shows that cats can recall memories of positive experiences, such as eating a delicious snack. The experiment was a test of episodic memory, or memory of past experiences that occur at a particular time and place. In the experiment, cats were led to four bowls of food, and were permitted to eat from two of them. After fifteen minutes, the bowls were replaced with empty ones, and the same cats returned to the room in search of food. Here, researchers found that the cats spent more time exploring those bowls from which they had already eaten than others. That cats were able to remember “what” and “where” information about the food bowls suggests they have episodic memory. The researcher said that both cats and dogs may have episodic memory similar to that of humans and that cats are just as smart as dogs. Still, it’s unclear whether cats can experience past memories as deeply as humans do. “It’s also hard to know if the cats actually remember the experience of going to that particular bowl, such as the colors and the sounds,” said the researcher. The study’s results may have many practical uses. A professor from Yale University said, “It opens the door to new studies examining how long cats’ memories can be, and whether they also remember richer experiences in their own life as humans do.”

(D)46 According to the passage, what is the finding of a Japanese study?

(A)Cats are proven to be smarter than humans.

(B)Smart cats enjoy food in colored bowls.

(C)Cats are just as smart as humans.

(D)Cats and dogs might be equally smart.

(B)47 Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?

(A)Research on Cats and Dogs. (B)A Study of Cats' Memory.

(C)A Study of Smart Food .    (D)Research on Japanese Researchers.

(D)48 According to the passage, which of the following is an example of positive experience for a cat?

(A)Taking a nap. (B)Playing with a dog. (C)Making a sound. (D)Eating a snack.

(A)49 According to the passage, which of the following does "episodic memory" refer to?

(A)Experiences. (B)Colors. (C)Japanese studies. (D)Food types.

(B)50 What does "that" in "... both cats and dogs may have episodic memory similar to that of humans..." refer to?

(A)Research. (B)Memory. (C)Intelligence. (D)Information.















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